My colorful rainbow Jell-O is refreshing and easy to make. Rainbows appear after storms and darkness and show us that there are brighter days ahead. Reminds me of a classic song, Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
The lyrics of the song were written by Yip Harbug, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants. His real name was Isidore Hochberg, and he grew up in a Yiddish-speaking, Orthodox Jewish home in New York. The music was written by Harold Arlen, a Jew whose family immigrated from Lithuania.
Many of us can relate to the song; we have all experienced troubles in our lives, but it is when you apply this song to the Jewish people and the Holocaust that the song takes on a whole new meaning.
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There’s a land that I’ve heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.
Someday I’ll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
High above the chimney tops,
That’s where you’ll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can’t I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can’t I?
The song was first published in 1939, at a time when the Jews in Europe were coming under increased hostility. Their freedoms were being taken away, their identity being dragged through the dirt, and many of them were feeling isolated. They were trapped, unable to “fly”.
The song is about hope, that the bad times will one day be over. It is this feeling of hope within the song that we can all relate to and it is hope that helped the Jewish people through the Holocaust.
Yip did not know what the future held for the Jewish people when he wrote this song. The lyrics “chimney tops” take on a harrowing new meaning now that we know the horrors of the Holocaust. I am sure many Jews looked to the skies above Auschwitz’s chimney’s, longing for the day they were free.
- One package of blue raspberry Jell-O (3 oz. box)
- One package of green Jell-O (3 oz. box)
- One package of orange Jell-O (3 oz. box)
- 3 cups of boiling water (one cup for each color)
- 3 cups of ice cubes (one cup for each color)
- One cup sour cream (1/2 cup for green, ½ cup for orange)
- I start with a dark color, in this case, I used blue raspberry. I make the jello according to the package; however, I add only one cup of boiling water with the small box, mix until dissolved, and then add one cup of ice cubes. Once the ice melts, I pour into clear plastic cups, then refrigerate.
- Once the jello is set, I prepare the next color. In this case I chose green. Again, one cup boiling water, mix and dissolve, then one cup of ice cubes. I only use half of the mixture that I pour over the layer of set blue jello, then refrigerate until set. The remaining half of green jello I mix ½ cup of sour cream and whisk until smooth. I wait until the clear green layer sets before pouring the lighter green on top.
- Next I chose orange, and prepared just like the green - half clear orange, half orange with sour cream.
- It is important to wait until each layer is completely set before pouring a new shade.
- In this photo, these are mini plastic cups, so I was unable to do all the colors of the rainbow. These rainbow cups are always a fun to treat with my family, and keep us smiling.
Sounds yummy! So happy to see Chef Times Two again
Thank you Anita!
I didn’t know the story behind that song – very interesting! This jello looks very fun too and I know my kiddos will gobble it up!