As the holiday of Passover begins, there is nothing better than the smell of bimuelos permeating throughout the house. These fritters are light and slightly crispy with a sweet finish. You’ll find yourself making batch after batch. Enjoy!
Bimuelos (Matza Fritters)
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 1 dozen fritters
- 6 boards of matza
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp sugar
- Oil for frying
- Soak matza in a large bowl filled with water approximately 5 minutes.
- When matza is soft, squeeze the water out with your hands and place the soft wet matza in a medium bowl.
- Add eggs, sugar, and cinnamon.
- Mix thoroughly. Heat oil in a frying pan.
- Place tablespoons full of matza mixture into the oil.
- Fry until golden on both sides.
Bimuelos can be eaten plain, with syrup, honey, or sugar on top.

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